Nylon Picks – Blue

Nylon material is a flexible plastic type and has been the most popular model for guitarists for many years. Guitarists find using a Nylon pick provides a better and warmer sound than other picks. You also hear with these nylon picks the real vintage tone that is very popular in rock and blues music.

Full Color Photos?

However, we do recommend Celluloid guitar picks if you want a full color image printed on the guitar picks. That gives a nicer and clearer result.

Prints on Nylon picks are usually text and / or logos.

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Production / Delivery time
The production time is 1 to 2 business days. Delivery time depends on your chosen carrier and delivery option.

These picks are made of Nylon and are very flexible and therefore ideal for playing guitar.


Image Quality
For best results we recommend to upload a picture of 300DPI. If you are not sure of the result? We can always make an example and check your image, it’s free.

Additional information
Weight0.04 kg
Download our templates
A template is an example that you can start using right away. It is a blank guitar pick that you can design yourself.

If you have finished the design, you can immediately add it to your order. There is a special upload section for this in the order form. Your logo will then be sent to us immediately with the quote.

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